International Training

CATS’ courses have been presented in numerous international locations. These courses have received overwhelming approval by the students involved in the program. The following international locations have hosted CATS Survival training:
Armenia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Estonia, Georgia, Guyana, Hungary,
Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mexico,
New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Porto Rico, Qatar, Romania, Russia,
South Africa, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Trinidad/Tobago, Ukraine, United
Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan and the Virgin Islands.
Additionally, CATS conducted two very noteworthy training courses in Budapest, Hungary and Baghdad, Iraq.

International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA), Budapest, Hungary
The International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA) Budapest, Hungary, has received numerous accolades for its innovative and trend setting instructional programs. ILEA became the flagship for emerging international academies located in various countries. The CATS program conducted the first tactical/survival awareness block of instruction in 1998. CATS’ training continues to be a vital week of training during the eight-week curriculum.
separate CATS courses were presented to police officers of
the Iraqi National Police Force in Baghdad, Iraq. Officers in
attendance were eager to learn techniques utilized by their
counter-parts working in law enforcement. Realizing that the future
of Iraq depends on a society ruled under the color of law these
officers involved themselves in the training with eagerness and
commitment to the future.